How to get back in shape as a new mom!
Becoming a new mom comes with so many beautiful changes to your life. But a change that can be hard on all new mothers is what your body can look like after the precious baby comes into the world. Now I’m going to say this once, you are beautiful no matter what you look like after birth. But if you feel like becoming stronger and feeling a little better in your body keep on reading!
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How to get started:
Getting back into moving your body after a baby can be daunting. It had taken me over 6 months to get back into the swing of things after my baby girl arrived. For you it might be sooner or later! There is never the perfect time, all that matters is that your body feels ready and healed.
Side note: I would definitely get the ok from your doctor before doing anything, mine gave me the ok at 6 weeks but your doctor might have different recommendations especially if you’re breastfeeding.
Finding your why
Finding the source as to why you want to start working out and getting healthier is going to be the most important part of starting. Becoming a mom changes you inside and out. I’m sure you feel similar, just feeling like a stranger in your own body. I also hated feeling weak as I got up off the floor with my kiddo. Picking them up is only going to get harder and they get bigger, and I wanted to be able to feel strong again.
Once you find that you want to put constant reminders around to help motivate you to continue when it starts getting hard to continue. I like to put little sticky notes around or get a workout buddy to stay committed to what you said you wanted.
Staying consistent
The most important thing about starting to work out is staying as consistent as possible. Nothing is going to change if you aren’t consistent and at least doing something every day or every other day.
It doesn’t have to be a workout video or running everyday but can be a mix of both. For example, I like to do a full body workout video one day, then the next I might go on a walk. All that matters is that you are moving your body more than you did before.
I like to use a daily check list, because who doesn’t love checking stuff off a list!

Having a clean diet, as we all know, is important when it comes to getting your body back in shape. I know I have been guilty when it comes to eating more junk after I start working out. Especially after a hard night with little ones.
Some of my favorite diets are ones including smoothies. They are a great way to get the veggies and fruits you need for the day, and in my opinion are delicious!

This is my favorite smoothie diet. If you want to check it out, click here!
It’s a 21-day program if you are like me and need a program to keep you on track. I really liked it because it’s super simple to follow and also gives you all the tools you might need to succeed. And I might be biased because I love smoothies!
Though I have never been a big diet person I know there are many diets to choose from ranging from your needs. But eating clean as possible, staying away from processed foods as much as possible and staying up on your protein has always been my go-to that works. Everyone is different though so finding what works for you is the most important!
On top of staying consistent and eating the correct foods, is moving your body.
Exercise is going to be one of the most important parts of getting in shape and losing weight. So here is what my week looked like when I first started out if you wanted a place to start.
Side note: You might need a Yoga Mat and a Kettle bell, but both are optional!
20 Squats
20 Lunges
30 Sit ups
30 Lower leg lifts
20 Push ups
1 mile walk
20 Squats
30 Sit ups
10 Squats with kettlebell
20 Lunges
30 Sit ups
30 Lower leg lifts
20 Push ups
1 mile walk
20 Squats
30 Sit ups
Work out video – either yoga or full body cardio video
Weekend Rest
This is just what I used to start getting into the habit of moving my body. As you get out of the sore phase you can add or take away. I love following work out challenge videos on YouTube or work out challenge sheets on Pinterest. All that is important is that you start and stay consistent.
Being a mom can make it challenging working around your little one’s schedule. But kids and babies love to watch you be active and adding them into your routine is a great way to get that workout done. Either taking them on walks, playing games as you work out, putting them down for tummy time and having them watch you. Showing them, you’re taking your health into your hands is an amazing thing you can show them.
You got this momma!
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