No-cry sleep solutions!

When is comes to babies and sleep many challenges can come to light. Learning what causes issues can be the best place to start. Here is what I have learned!

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Sleep. It’s something you really don’t think about before having a baby. I mean yes pregnancy sleep is not the best sleep in the world but as uncomfortable as it may have been, it was still sleep.

Now don’t get me wrong, sleeping on my stomach again is AMAZING, but waking up as soon as you fall asleep because your beautiful angel baby has woken up for the 5th time.

If you are in those weeks with a newborn, first of all you are amazing. But secondly this might not be the blog post for you quite yet. Your little baby is not ready for sleep training of any sort yet. Trust me, all things come to an end, even those sleepless nights in the beginning. 

But now that my baby is over 6 months old, I have been searching for ways to help her sleep. If you have a baby like me that isn’t a big sleeper, I hope some of these tip’s help, since they have been life savers for me!

No cry sleep training

I found this sleep training program Baby sleep Miracle, that is a no -cry sleep training program.
In the small video before purchasing this sleep training she goes over some small free knowledge.

In that she shared that the sleep tension before putting the baby down can cause your baby to have issues going to sleep. But getting the giggles out before bed helps relieve the tension they have. 
Now I was skeptical before hearing this since I hadn’t heard it anywhere, but I tried it on the next nap and Wala! She went from having a 30 min nap to an hour and a half nap! It was magic! 

Another praise I would have for it; the training is a no cry training. Every baby is different and some just cry at bedtime (like my little girl!) but nothing is worse than hearing your baby cry! This is some of what she covers.
You can also watch her Video Here!


Having a routine is important when it comes to babies and sleep. Their little brains start becoming aware around 4 months. That was when I noticed my little one going from waking up two times a night to six times. 

One thing that didn’t change for us was bedtime. I was still able to put her down for the night and know that she would go to sleep, even if it was only for a couple hours during that sleep regression. Being consistent with bedtime is going to be a life saver. It takes about 3-5 days for your baby to start understanding what is going on and know its bedtime. 

In this book she does a good job of covering why bedtime is important and how to lay it out. I got into the bad habit of feeding my baby to sleep (I might still have an issue with this!) and she explained that babies associate sleep with that. It’s not just feeding to sleep it could be rocking or patting or holding to sleep but the gist of it is when you put your baby to sleep with that association, they expect it when they wake up, since babies wake up several times during the night. 

After reading her book I changed the bedtime routine from 

Bedtime Story.
Bath time. 
Goodnight kisses and putting in PJs.
Feed bottle or breast. 
Put down in the bassinet or crib with a pacifier by 7:30pm.

To this:

Feed bottle or breast
Bedtime Story.
Bath time. 
Goodnight kisses and putting in PJs. 
Put down in the bassinet or crib without a pacifier by 7:30pm.

Changing her routine from feeding last to first and without her pacifier was rough the first couple nights. But after about 4 nights her sleep spans changed from 5-6 times a night to 2-3. 

Something to remember is that there are still going to be good and bad days. But staying consistent is the biggest thing! 

Make naps a priority

Nothing is worse than an overtired baby. Skipping naps or not having long enough naps can take a toll on babies. 
Regular sleep is an essential physical and cognitive aid to a baby’s brain and body. And naps play a vital role.

According to clinical studies, children who have regular, adequate daytime naps settle to sleep at night easier, have less night walking, are less accident-prone during the day, and show better performance on cognitive tasks. 
Having naps at set times during the day will help your baby get a rhythm and improve night sleep.
Stay calm and consistent.

I know sleep deprivation can be such a challenging thing to overcome but your baby will inevitably pick up your vibes, even if you’re trying hard to hide your feelings.

Coming to terms with the fact that some babies take a little longer to learn how to sleep and feeling confident that you can solve your child’s sleep problems will make it easier to cope with the night wakings. 

Studies have shown that parents who have realistic expectations about parenthood and who feel confident in their own abilities to handle parenting difficulties find it easier to handle sleep challenges.

But it is also normal to feel frustrated. You are not alone and are amazing. All things will pass, and you will be better from it. 

I hope you check out this sleep training since it has been an amazing addition to my knowledge when it comes to sleep. You won’t regret it!

Click here for Baby sleep Miracle no cry sleep training

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