The top 3 things I wish I knew that first week home!

The time has finally arrived! Your new baby is finally in your arms. Whether this is your first baby or not, there is a lot that happens after the new baby arrives that most don’t talk about.

 It was such an exciting time and when I first gave birth to my Baby girl, I didn’t think much happened after getting home. I really thought that I was done with those Doctor appointments, especially after going once or twice a week for over a month! But oh how I was wrong.

I’m not sure why I didn’t think this far ahead, I blame it on the Pregnancy brain, but the first week was definitely not what I thought it would be.

I will say though my experience might be different from yours, every delivery and first week will look different person to person. But I definitely wished I would have read or talked to someone about the first week home, especially when it is your first baby.

Just having a general idea of understanding the postpartum period is huge! I’m the type of person who likes to wing it, don’t be like me. Prepare yourself as much as possible because those hormones definitely kick your butt! But I wouldn’t change it for the world, there is nothing like having that little baby in your arms after 9 long months. So here are some tips or just common-sense things that I didn’t think or do much of that I will definitely be doing next time around!

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Trying to Relax

Ok, so I know this should be a given after giving birth. But for someone like me that spent the last few months of her pregnancy remodeling a house it didn’t come easy for me to just sit down and enjoy those baby snuggles. I will say my baby girl didn’t sleep at all the first few weeks so that might have also been a factor.

 Relaxing is so important after birth. I’m sure you have seen the 5-5-5 postpartum rule.Five days in the bed, five days on the bed, and five days around the bed. I wasn’t able to do that for a few reasons, but if this is something you can do definitely do it! 

Also if you have the option to have someone come over and help such as a mother or sisters, take the help. If you’re like me and acts of service is not your love language whatsoever I understand. But take the help, rest and give yourself a little break. As a first time mom it was such a huge shock having a baby on you at all times along with trying to figure out each other. Becoming a momma is a whole Identity change so don’t forget to have Grace with yourself and accept the help that is given.

Baby will have Doctor appointments that first week

I’m not sure why I didn’t think my baby would have appointments after she was born, but these are important appointments. Make sure to expect that you will leave the house a couple times after the baby has arrived. The weight appointments are important and whether you are breastfeeding or not these appointments help find any issues if any come up.

Breastfeeding is beautiful but challenging

I would like to start out by saying it doesn’t matter if you are breastfeeding, pumping,or formula feeding, having a fed baby is all that matters! And no matter what you choose, you are a rockstar Momma! Each option has its difficulties but I primarily breastfeed so the knowledge I have is regarding Breastfeeding. 

The first time a baby latches on is brutal. Your body doesn’t start producing milk for a few days, the first few days our bodies produce colostrum. 

Now not much colostrum comes out so making sure your baby is being offered the Boob every 2-3 hours is important. In between offerings as well, since you know babies are sleepy and don’t want to eat, self-expressing into a spoon then either adding the milk into a syringe or just pouring a little in the baby’s mouth also works. 

Keynote here, get yourself some nipple cream! I used earth mama nipple cream, an absolute lifesaver! (Nipple cream does stain shirts as well! So, choose your shirts wisely!)

Remember you are an amazing mama

As a new mom there are always going to be ups and downs especially that first week. But give yourself grace and know that you are doing amazing. I remember being told “you’re going to miss this” but honestly I don’t. 

That first week is hard but it is beautiful and is such a defining time coming into motherhood. I want to remind you that it’s ok to feel not ok and always reach out for help if you need it! Change is hard but God made us to do this exact thing. You got this!

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